Version 2022-01-21 -- Contact author at eisvogel at embinet dot de Or leave a comment at A few words of explanation... - RAID is not a backup. ;-) - Backups should be done "3-2-1": Have at least 3 data copies, on 2 different technologies, 1 offsite. Tape backup may sound antiquated, but it will provide you with one for every of the 3-2-1 items. In addition, LTO tape when stored vertically in a dry, cool, dark place is rated for 30 years of data integrity. No HDD, SSD or USB thumb drive will even come close. DVD and Blu-ray media when written at lowest speed possible are better, but have been stuck at low capacities of only 5-50 GiB for a decade. In addition, while LTO-6 tapes can be rewritten 150 times or more, disc media are usually of type WORM, write once read many. - The hardware employed in the examples consists of two external LTO-tape drives, one LTO-5 and one LTO-6, all connected to one Linux machine. - The machine also has the ZFS pools which need to be backed up. Therefore all three daemons bareos-(dir|fd|sd) are also running on the machine. - IBM-type external enclosures will not turn on when power is (re-)applied. Ordinarily it requires a person or trained cat to push the power button when power was out. These are also not silent devices, because chips in the drives produce a good amount of heat during operation, which need to be cooled. To cut down on noise and also fix the power-on problem, both IBM-type drives were modified to include a 3-pin 2.5mm headphone socket on a back slot, next to the network interface. The tip and middle signal of the socket is routed potential-free within the drive to the two free pins of the power switch. A USB relais box (KMtronic U2CR) is connected to each drive on pin C+NO and also via USB to the machine. The script "tape-helper" is used to find the USB box and to briefly toggle the relais in order to turn on/off a specified drive. Operation of the power button is unaffected. - Every day at 18:00, an incremental backup is run on LTO-5, which in this case writes to LTO-4 tapes. On the 1st Monday of each quarter, a full backup is written to LTO-6 tapes. - The selected Maximum Block Size (1MB) and Maximum File Size (20GB) should provide optimal speed up to LTO-6 (168 MByte/s, large files from an SSD, half-height drive). LTO-7 and beyond could be optimal still, untested. - Before backup, a ZFS snapshot called @bareos is created. It is deleted when no longer necessary. This requires "zfs allow -u bareos mount,snapshot,destroy " to be run once as root, to allow the bareos user to create and delete snapshots. - After each incremental/full backup run, a second full backup job called "Backup-DR" is run (DR = Disaster Recovery), which saves the main SQL database and configuration files also to tape. In case of a full loss of the server, this will come in handy when needing to restore everything. The only pain will be to retrieve the very last DR backup without the help of the database. With these data in hand, Bareos can then be reinstalled swiftly, giving back access to the full backup history for further restoration of files. - In our example tapes will be ejected automatically when the server wants a different one. The server will also beep, Backup Exec(tm) 11d style. - TLS is disabled, because these examples is only ever about localhost. - To compress a SQL dump lbzip2 is recommended, because everyone has bzip2 to decompress, it uses all available CPU cores, is fast, ratio is good. - Make sure you read any scripts you want to use from start to finish, as some will need further configuration. E.g. tape-helper to mail cleaning tape advisories by e-mail or define devices. Script examples included: * parses binary MAM data into human-readable output. Should probably be rewritten in C. I made it work with recent Perl versions from older versions found on the web. * tape-label: Needs configuration in the file. Argument will be tape name. Loads tape, writes EOF to start to delete any records, rewinds, labels in Bareos, ejects tape again. * tape-operator: Beep, unmount, eject tape when Bareos wants a new tape. Used in bareos-dir.conf Messages resource as "operatorcommand". Needs correct storage name as first argument to know what to eject and then the usual bstmp command following. * tape-helper: Needs in-script configuration. As such probably only useful in my system, but just to give anyone interested an idea what can be done feature-wise. Like ZFS snapshots, USB-control, send e-mail in case drive wants a cleaning tape, read MAM chip of cartridge and send to etc. * tape-watch: Print stats about active clients every ten seconds. * pwg: Generate strong passwords using pwgen, print estimated strength. - To allow non-root users like bareos to beep through a PC speaker, e.g. from within the tape-operator script, the following steps are necessary: * Create a system group called beep and add user bareos to this group: groupadd -r beep usermod -a -G beep bareos * Create file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-bareos.rules with the line: ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="PC Speaker", ENV{DEVNAME}!="", RUN+="/usr/bin/setfacl -m g:wheel:w -m g:beep:w '$env{DEVNAME}'" TODO - Automated regular restore test, because "An untested backup is just whishful thinking." - Rewrite in C - Fix PHP bugs * Undefined offset: 0 in /usr/lib/bareos/webui/module/Job/src/Job/Model/JobModel.php on line 381 Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /usr/lib/bareos/webui/module/Job/src/Job/Model/JobModel.php on line 381 * Undefined index: value in /usr/lib/bareos/webui/module/Pool/src/Pool/Model/PoolModel.php on line 152