Bareos Version 21 Tape Backup Screenshots

You are looking at some lightly anonymized screenshots of my Bareos installation on Arch Linux. Bareos started out in 2000 as Bacula and was forked in 2013 by developers as Bareos. Since the fork, the software has been considerably improved, bugs were removed, and a modern web interface was added.

My contributions seek to improve the Bareos AUR-package for Arch Linux and to encourage you to try out LTO tape technology for backup. Tested and moderately complex new configuration examples are provided to build upon. Examples include multiple LTO tape drives, ZFS filesystem snapshot handling, script extension examples, web interface and NGINX configuration, and a bunch more. The complete PKGBUILD is available on my website. There is a README. Before upstreaming into AUR, the package should be vetted and tested by the community. Nobody likes AUR package breakage. A benchmark with large incompressible files from a ZFS pool, residing on a local NVME, showed transfer rates of 168 MiB per second when using a half-height LTO-6 drive and LTO-6 media. This is faster than what the manufacturer of the drive specified.

Why LTO for backup? Glad you asked. Durable media life of 30 years+. Entire capacity rewriteable 150 times for LTO-6 tapes. Provides "1-1-1" in a "3-2-1" backup scheme. Cheap at scale compared to other technologies. By their nature tapes in a fire-resistant safe are air-gapped and thus can't be encrypted by malware.

The owner of this website can be reached by e-mail at eisvogel ät seitics dot de.

Last edited: 2022-01-23

Bareos is a registered trademark of Bareos GmbH & Co. KG. I have no affiliation with the company. Bareos is released under the open source GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.